Side projects

I try to contribute to the public service digital community via a handful of side projects.

Side hustles

Jobs newsletter

Every week (ish) I send out an email with links to 10 public service digital jobs that have caught my eye that week. They tend to be product, agile or design roles in central & local government, charities, the NHS, higher education or suppliers working in the area that I think share the communities values.

Product for the People

I am the junior partner – alongside Debbie and Steve – in the Product for the People unconference team. These events bring together product minded people (rather than just product managers) from across the public service to share ideas, experiences and challenges in a safe space. So far we have ran events in London, Cardiff and Manchester.

Web of Weeknotes

To be honest I don’t do much with this anymore other than provide the domain ( – always liked that one!) as Medium changed the ways their Publications feature works so it is a bit stuck but I did set it all up and initially promote it.

Stickers club

A few times a year I make a selection of stickers inspired and sketched by the community available for free/a small donation as well as dishing them out at various events. Like Giles once said “stickers tell tiny stories” and they are the visual representation of those values that we share as a community.

Open calendar

Inspired by Simon Wilson I have opened up my calendar for anyone to book a 30 minute chat when I am not busy with the day job. These chats can be about anything people think I might be helpful with but are usually an opportunity for people to talk through career questions with someone independent but experienced enough to nod and smile in the right places.

PubCamp ’24

Early days on this one but it seems like it is going to happen in Bristol around the mid-year point. Oh and PubCamp is Public Service Camp – not just a day in the boozer.

Book a slot if you want to chat