Tag: Government

  • The Jukesies 2018

    So what started as a bit of a joke now appears to be an annual thing that people expect (well a handful of them anyway) and who am I to disappoint my audience. Blogger(s) of the year There were a lot of wonderful people blogging a lot this year — Team #weeknotes had another great year, Amanda wrote…

  • Internet of Public Service Jobs — survey results

    So 112 people filled in my survey of the subscribers to the jobs newsletter. Of those people 68 entered their email to be in the draw for the books I offered as prizes. There are 731 people currently subscribed (and probably another 100 who regularly check the Medium posts). Not sure if that is a…

  • Internet-era ways of working principles from public.digital

    I’m on record as saying that the original design principles (latest version here) remain the most important thing (amongst many, many important things) that emerged from the formation of the Government Digital Service. They provided a blueprint for digital service teams across the public sector and beyond and articulated things that many of us already…

  • Skimming Harvard’s 2018 State of Digital Transformation report..

    Report: 2018 State of Digital Transformation Harvard Kennedy School has a great programme at the moment looking at digital government around the world led by David Eaves and in June they had a bit of a ‘summit’ — bringing together practitioners from various corners of the globe to share their lessons and experiences. This is a report…

  • Year of the Dog: Notes from Lesser Ripening

    Honestly this tweet pretty much sums up my week: It is only an interim position so I don’t want to get carried away but it really does feel good to be back in the game. It feels like I’ve been out of it forever. I suffered from a bit of a ‘failure to launch’ at…