Volunteering at the Mozilla Festival 2011

Today I signed up as a volunteer for the Mozilla Festival that is taking place in London during November. Last year I helped out as a conference blogger at the first Festival in Barcelona and got alot out of the experience and wanted to show my support again this year (even though it being in London will probably cost me more than the Barca trip and be considerably less sunny!).

I have no idea what I’ll be doing but hopefully it will be something around blogging or the social media stuff again – though given the focus on Media this time I guess there might be alot of bloggers!

The Festival team have been working away organising what looks to be another amazing event – in a typical Mozilla manner there are wikis, Etherpads, mailing lists & blogposts trying to run everything in as open and transparent a manner as possible.

Despite the focus on Media this time it looks like there remains a strong education/learning strand that has followed on from last year – School of Webcraft and Hackasaurus should have a strong presence as well as some cross over sessions around video and open education being proposed.

I have proposed my WebMadeComics idea and it does seem to have a bit of support but I am increasingly thinking it would be best served as part of something bigger & within the Hackasaurus corner of the Festival – especially given the Hackable Comics stuff Jess Klein has been up to. I do think there is the potential to do some really interesting things with web based comics using HTML5 etc but clearly I have no idea how to make that happen!

Anyway I highly recommend this event – it is also extremely good value and will certainly get anyone who comes along thinking about the web in different ways after.


2 responses to “Volunteering at the Mozilla Festival 2011”

  1. […] to Mozilla as teacher (zythepsary.com)Hacking The Web With Interactive Stories (toolness.com)Volunteering at the Mozilla Festival 2011 (digitalbydefault.com) This entry was posted in education, techie. Bookmark the permalink. […]